At TECHNOFIST we provide academic projects based on Robotics with latest IEEE papers implementation. Below mentioned are the 2018 list and abstracts on Robotics domain. For synopsis and IEEE papers please visit our head office and get registered.
Latest 2018 and 2019 IEEE projects on robotics, Engineering projects based on Robotics. We also provide Mechatronics related latest projects for Final year on robotics project. Best project institute in Bangalore, INDIA to carry out projects on robotics.
Technofist provides latest ideas or concepts on robotics domain with abstracts and ABSTRACT for the final year engineering students to choose from. ECE students mainly carry out their final year engineering projects based on robotics. We do train a student from basic level of Robotics which includes basic Programming, projects implementation, final project demo and final code explanations.
++IEEE 2018-2019 Robotics project list for MTech / BE / BTech / MCA / M.Sc students in Bangalore.++
Code | Project Description |
TIWO01 | DEVELOPMENT OF DATA ACQUISITION ROBOT FOR TOXIC ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING USING WSN — KROTO FINDER This project is mainly implemented for industrial applications. Mainly for detecting the damages inside the oil pipe which cannot be detected by human beings. Inside the pipe, there is very heavy temperature, pressure and toxic gases. So we are implementing a robot that have a camera, temperature sensor, pressure sensor etc. which is used to detect the crack and conditions inside the pipe. This data from all the high precision sensors will be transmitted using ZIGBEE protocol from the robot to the control station. The robot incorporates a wireless camera and the data from the camera is transmitted to TV monitor. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO02 | SMART PHONE OPERATED MULTIPURPOSE AGRICULTURAL ROBOTIC VEHICLE — AGRIBOT This robotic vehicle is an agricultural machine of a considerable power and great soil clearing capacity. This multipurpose system gives an advance method to sow, plow, water and cut the crops with minimum manpower and labor making it an efficient vehicle. The machine will cultivate the farm by considering particular rows and specific column at fixed distance depending on crop. Moreover the vehicle can be controlled through Bluetooth medium using an Android smartphone. The whole process calculation, processing, monitoring are designed with motors & components interfaced with microcontroller. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO03 | CAMOUFLAGE TECHNIQUE BASED MULTIFUNCTIONAL ARMY ROBOT Nowadays, many expenses are made in the field of defense in adopting primitive security measures to protect the border from the trespassers. Some military organizations take the help of robot in the risk-prone areas which are not that effective when done by army men. These army robots are confining with the camera, sensors, metal detector and video screen. The main objective of our system is to get camouflaged including PIR sensor to trace the intruders. Thus the proposed system also uses IR sensor for obstacle detection. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO04 | HAPTIC ROBOTIC ARM Robots of the current generation have been used in fields isolated from human society. They suffer major shortcomings because of their limited abilities for manipulation and interaction with humans. In order to represent robotic technology in the field of human-machine interaction and wireless communication, it is very necessary to develop technology that maximizes the use of robots to help people do their work efficiently in their day-to-day life. The main objective of the project is to design and develop the Robot that is used to move using wireless system by recognizing hand motion controlled by haptic technology for virtual environments & human-machine systems capable of haptic interaction. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO05 | UNMANNED FIGHTER Nowadays robots play an important role in human beings’ day-to-day life. Soldiers form the backbone for their country and are very precious gems to their country. So soldiers’ life becomes more valuable. Here is a project which performs the functions of a soldier like firing, walking into the field. With the help of sensors and a wireless camera, the robots act as soldiers and the commands are given to the robot through an android app. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO06 | LIVE HUMAN DETECTING ROBOT FOR EARTHQUAKE RESCUE OPERATION Natural calamities do occur and they are unstoppable. But humans are becoming increasingly aware of intelligent rescue operations in such calamities so that precious life and material can be saved. Earthquakes produce a devastating effect and they see no difference between human and material. Hence a lot of times humans are buried among the debris, making it impossible to detect them. A timely rescue can only save the people who are buried and wounded. Detection by rescue workers becomes time-consuming and due to the vast area that gets affected, it becomes more difficult. The project proposes an autonomous robotic vehicle that moves in earthquake-prone areas and helps in identifying alive people and rescue operations. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO07 | FABRICATION OF WASTE SEGREGATION USING SMART DUSTBIN In recent times, garbage disposal has become a huge cause for concern in the world. A voluminous amount of waste generated is disposed of by means which have an adverse effect on the environment. In India, rag pickers play an important role in the recycling of urban solid waste. The economic value of the waste generated is not realized unless it is recycled completely. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO08 | CHILD RESCUE SYSTEM AGAINST OPEN BORE-WELLS AT AGRICULTURAL FIELDS IN INDIA This paper presents a proactive approach to prevent child fatalities at the umpteen open uncapped bore-wells in India, which is based on communications using Infra-Red signals. When the IR signal, placed two inches beneath the ground surface of the bore-well, breaks due to any obstructing object, a buzzer starts sounding as an alert and at the same time, a stake that is kept a few feet lower in the bore-well closes the bore to prevent the object from falling deeper into the well. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO09 | VOICE ENABLED WHEEL CHAIR This Voice recognition wheelchair can be used for physically challenged persons. This wheelchair uses a voice recognition module HM 2007 and matches with the data stored in the microcontroller. The microcontroller, with the help of the motor driver circuit, will drive the respective circuit and perform the operation. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO10 | FIRE FIGHTING ROBOT Nowadays, fire accidents are common and sometimes it becomes very difficult for a fireman to save someone’s life. Therefore, firefighting robots detect fire remotely. These robots are mostly useful in industries where the probability of accidental fire is high. The proposed vehicle is able to detect the presence of fire and extinguish it automatically using gas and temperature sensors. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO11 | GREEN LEAF DETECTING ROBOT Most people are too lazy to water the potted plants on their rooftop gardens every day. Explained here is a simple and exciting automatic plant watering system that can be built in just a few hours. It is a Raspberry and raspberry pi based automatic plant watering system that uses an IR Sensor. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO12 | ROPE CLIMBING ROBOT This project is to develop a rope climbing robot that can climb a rope by itself or manually. This robot is built with hardware and software interfaces. The objective here is to produce an efficient, low-powered, and cost-effective self-climbing robot that is able to reach the top of the rope in the least amount of time. The robot uses an Arduino microcontroller as the brain. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO13 | BALL TRACKING ROBOT The aim of this project is to detect the ball and then track it based on color. This is a real-time visual-based project, with images continuously captured using a Pi camera located on the robot chassis, connected to the Raspberry Pi. It maintains a constant distance between the detected object and robot using an ultrasonic sensor. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO14 | AUTO GUIDED VEHICLE WITH MATERIAL HANDLING AND OBSTACLE DETECTION This project uses RFID for controlling an automated guided vehicle (AGV). The vehicle moves from source to destination when the RFID tag is read. There are sensors present on the vehicle for obstacle avoidance and overload detection. An AGV is a material handling system that uses independently operated, self-propelled vehicles guided along defined pathways. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO15 | AUTO GUIDED VEHICLE WITH MATERIAL HANDLING AND OBSTACLE DETECTION Home security is essential for occupant’s convenience and protection. Security systems are being preferred over manual systems. With the rapid increase in internet users and the emergence of IoT technology, this security system allows users to operate from anywhere around the world through internet connection. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TIWO16 | AUTO GUIDED VEHICLE WITH MATERIAL HANDLING AND OBSTACLE DETECTION Exoskeleton Arm is a battery-powered upper-body robotic arm that increases human strength. It helps rehabilitate people with back injuries, allowing them to rebuild muscle and relearn motor control. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |