Internship Projects FAQ

Frequently Asked Question

  1. Do you have the resources to handle the graphics, photos, etc.?

    Yes, we have flatbed scanners, digital cameras and more to help digitize the pictures provided by you.

  2. How long does it take to have a web site designed?

    The time frame is determined by the size of your web site, the complexity of your site design and our current client design schedule.

  3. Can I choose you to design my site but choose another web host?

    Yes you can.

  4. I designed my site. Do you offer Hosting Services also?

    Yes, we do. Please visit our “Web Hosting India” section to host your web sites.

  5. Can you design sites that require passwords to access?

    Yes. We can password protect content in specified folders of your web site.

  6. Can I make changes myself?

    Yes you can depending upon your skills. Usually minor updating can be done at the customers end but some major changes may have to be done by specialized staff.

  7. Do you use flash?

    Yes, we use Flash and animations to make a web site more appealing.

  8. Should my entire web site be designed using Flash?

    We do not recommend this for Business web sites. Entire websites presented as a movie only, rarely get good search engine listings.

  9. Do you offer Complete Website Solutions? ( Designing + Internet Publicity + Web Hosting )

    Yes, we do. You can visit our “Complete Websites” section if you want domain registration + hosting + designing + Internet publicity full package for your web site.

  10. Can I see some web design templates?

    Yes, you can visit our “Free Web Templates” section for a preview.

  11. What is the difference between Static & Dynamic design?

    A web page is static when it can do one way interaction, for example, a typical web page comprising of text & pictures. You can only read / copy it but you can not interact with it.

    A web page is dynamic when it can do two way interaction i.e. make decisions based upon user input. An example is a typical web page page comprising of text, pictures and a form. You can not only read / copy it but also can interact with it.

  12. Is the number of pages, I want to have on my site, directly proportional to the web space?

    No, pages are not the only component of a web site. It is a blend of graphics, pictures, forms, backend database, logs, emails, spam filtering software, etc. all of which consume space.

  13. What is a payment-processing gateway?

    PPG is basically a system of financial transaction on the Internet. It involves the merchant’s acquiring bank (the owner of the shopping mall), the customer (who is using his credit card), and the payment gateway infra structure provider.

    As soon as the customer punches his credit card details on the secured page of the merchant’s virtual shopping mall, it is authenticated by the issuing bank and then accepted by the acquiring bank. Now the customer is entitled for the delivery of the selected item. Once the proof of delivery is presented to the acquiring bank the amount is transferred into the merchant’s account.

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