At TECHNOFIST, we provide academic projects based on Raspberry PI with the latest IEEE papers implementation. Below mentioned are the 2018 list and abstracts in the Raspberry PI domain. For synopsis and IEEE papers, please visit our head office and get registered.
TECHNOFIST provides RASPBERRY PI based projects with latest IEEE concepts and training in Bangalore. We have 12 years of experience in delivering Raspberry Pi based projects with machine learning and artificial intelligence-based applications with Python and embedded coding. Below mentioned are few latest 2019 – 2020 IEEE transactions on Raspberry PI controller.
Technofist is the best institute in Bangalore to carry out raspberry pi based projects with machine learning, IoT, and Artificial intelligence for final year academic project purposes. Latest RASPBERRY PI concepts for what is essential for final year engineering and Diploma students which includes Synopsis, Final report, and PPT Presentations for each phase according to college format. Feel free to contact us for project ideas and abstracts.
Students of ECE, CSE, ISE, EEE, and Telecommunication Engineering departments, willing to pursue the final year project in the stream of Embedded projects using the RASPBERRY PI controller with Python coding can download the project titles with abstracts below.
Code | Title |
TRPO01 | DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF GREEN LEAF DETECTION AND SMART SPRAYER ROBOT USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ABSTRACT – During summers, most people are too lazy to water the potted plants on their rooftop gardens every day. Explained in this section is a simple and exciting automatic plant watering system that has been built to overcome some drawbacks. This system consists of Raspberry Pi, pi camera, sensor. Raspberry Pi forms the core of this system whereas the pi camera is used to capture the live image of the plant and sends it to Raspberry Pi for processing the image. The sensor is used to detect the plant and make the robot stop at that position. OpenCV is used for the image processing process. Contact: +91-9008001602, 080-40969981 |
TRPO02 | IMPLEMENTATION OF SIXTH SENSE DEVICE USING RASPBERRY PI ABSTRACT – In this paper, we present an approach for creating a Sixth Sense device which works on the principles of gesture recognition and image processing to capture, zoom (in and out), and toggle pictures with ease just by the help of colored caps/LED worn on the fingertips of the user. Contact: +91-9008001602, 080-40969981 |
TRPO03 | MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE OF HIGHWAY BRIDGES USING WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS ABSTRACT – Usage of wireless sensor networks is increasing and becoming cost-effective nowadays. Many real-time applications use this network system. One example of such an application is monitoring a highway or railway bridge, which plays an important role in transportation. Many bridges in the world collapse due to some internal and external factors, those factors must be monitored to avoid this collapse. This paper proposes an automatic bridge monitoring system using wireless sensor networks. The proposed system consists of three sensors to continuously monitor the bridge condition, i.e., Accelerometer to detect the jerks in the bridge or in the pillar, flex sensor to detect the bend or orientation in the bridge, load cell to detect the overload on the bridge. This data from the sensors will be processed by the controller (PIC18) and is transferred to the receiver node at the management center using the transmitter node at the transmitter end whenever the fault occurs. CC2500 module is used as a wireless node in this paper. At the receiver side, Raspberry Pi is used to monitor the received data which can also store the database in it. Through the GSM, an alert message is also sent to the operator along with the exact location where the fault occurred in the bridge. The proposed system can be used efficiently at a low cost. Contact: +91-9008001602, 080-40969981 |
TRPO04 | FORTIFICATION OF COLD STORAGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR FARMERS USING IOT ABSTRACT – The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new evolution in technological advancement taking place in the world today. This paradigm allows physical world objects in our surroundings to be connected to the Internet. This idea comes to life by utilizing two architectures; the Sensing Entity in the environment that collects data and connects itself to the cloud and the Cloud Service that hosts the data from the environment and controls the parameters. To provide a diversity of vegetables over a long season, small-scale vegetable producers need to use energy-efficient cold storage methods to reduce costs and extend the revenue period while maintaining produce quality and freshness. The farmers need to find ways to increase profitability while adhering to sustainability principles. During storage quantitative as well as qualitative losses occur due to insects, rodents, and microorganisms. Our problem statement is to design an efficient cold storage unit using as much natural cooling and ventilation using the image sensor for visualization of all activities and display it to the user in real-time. Contact: +91-9008001602, 080-40969981 |
TRPO05 | DETECTION OF SUDDEN PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS FOR DRIVING ASSISTANCE SYSTEMS ABSTRACT – We are aware of the problem of detecting sudden pedestrian crossings to assist drivers in avoiding accidents. We design an embedded system, the application has two major requirements: to detect crossing pedestrians as early as possible just as they enter the view of the car-mounted camera and to maintain an alarm system to alert the Driver. Our Embedded system using Raspberry Pi has features of image/video processing by using various features and classification algorithms proposed for pedestrian detection. It overcomes the performance in terms of sensors and hardware cost, which is also too high. So, our design Embedded system detects partially visible pedestrians just as they enter the camera view, with a low false alarm rate and high speed. This system captures an image via the Pi camera connected to Raspberry Pi through Camera input, and the image is processed using image processing technique. When any pedestrian is detected it alerts the driver by providing an alarm sound and also stops the vehicle automatically. Contact: +91-9008001602, 080-40969981 |
TRPO06 | SMART SPECS: VOICE ASSISTED TEXT READING SYSTEM FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS USING TTS METHOD ABSTRACT – According to the World Health Organization, out of 7.4 billion population around 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide. It is observed that they are still finding it difficult to manage their day-to-day life, and it is important to take necessary measures with emerging technologies to help them to live in the current world irrespective of their impairments. In the motive of supporting them, we have proposed smart specs for blind persons which can perform text detection thereby producing a voice output. This can help visually impaired persons to read any printed text in vocal form. A specs inbuilt camera is used to capture the text image from a printed text and the captured image is analyzed using Tesseract-Optical Character recognition (OCR). The detected text is |