At TECHNOFIST we provide academic projects based on Data mining with latest IEEE papers implementation. Below mentioned are the 2018 list and abstracts on Data mining domain. For synopsis and IEEE papers please visit our head office and get registered.
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IEEE 2018-2019 Web Mining/Data Mining Projects
This section consists of projects related to data mining 2018-2019 IEEE project list, classes on Data Mining with explanations and examples. Real-time experience is available along with the latest ideas and enhancements for the latest IEEE papers on Data mining. We provide abstracts and complete explanations on synopsis. We also train students from the basic level of software, which includes basic Java classes, project implementation, final project demo, and final code explanations. If you have questions regarding these projects, feel free to contact us. You may also ask for the abstract of a project idea that you have or want to work on. The own project idea for diploma and engineering students can also be encouraged here. All the latest IEEE projects are available on Data Mining; titles and abstracts can be downloaded from our website.
[DATA-MINING PROJECT ABSTRACT]( list/cs/pdf/IEEE 2018-19 IEEE Data Mining.pdf)
IEEE 2018-2019 Data Mining Project List for MTech /BE / BTech / MCA / M.Sc Students in Bangalore.
ID | Abstract |
TDM001 | SOCIALQ&A: AN ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORK BASED QUESTION AND ANSWER SYSTEM. Abstract: Question and Answer (Q&A) systems play a vital role in our daily life for information and knowledge sharing. Users post questions and pick questions to answer in the system. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM002 | EFFICIENT PROCESSING OF SKYLINE QUERIES USING MAPREDUCE. Abstract: The skyline operator has attracted considerable attention recently due to its broad applications. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM003 | FIDOOP-DP: DATA PARTITIONING IN FREQUENT ITEMSET MINING ON HADOOP CLUSTERS. Abstract: We address the problem of frequent itemset mining with a new approach, FiDoop-DP. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM004 | USER-CENTRIC SIMILARITY SEARCH. Abstract: User preferences play a significant role in market analysis. In this work, we utilize the rankings of the products to perform similarity calculations. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM005 | PRACTICAL PRIVACY-PRESERVING MAPREDUCE BASED K-MEANS CLUSTERING OVER LARGE-SCALE DATASET. Abstract: We discuss the challenges of clustering large datasets and propose a solution. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM006 | SECURE BIG DATA STORAGE AND SHARING SCHEME FOR CLOUD TENANTS. Abstract: We present a method for protecting big data in the cloud by dividing it into parts and using a trapdoor function. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM007 | SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF TOP COLLEGES USING TWITTER DATA. Abstract: This paper dives into performing sentiment analysis on Twitter data related to top colleges in India. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM008 | CONNECTING SOCIAL MEDIA TO E-COMMERCE: COLD-START PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION USING MICROBLOGGING INFORMATION. Abstract: This work focuses on adapting sentiment classifiers to new domains. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM009 | FRAPPE: DETECTING MALICIOUS FACEBOOK APPLICATIONS. Abstract: The rise of social media has brought privacy and security concerns, especially regarding third-party applications. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM010 | A NOVEL RECOMMENDATION MODEL REGULARIZED WITH USER TRUST AND ITEM RATINGS. Abstract: We propose TrustSVD, a technique for dealing with data sparsity and cold start problems in recommendations. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM011 | BUILDING AN INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM USING A FILTER-BASED FEATURE SELECTION ALGORITHM. Abstract: We propose a feature selection algorithm for improved network traffic classification. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
TDM012 | SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF TOP COLLEGES USING TWITTER DATA. Abstract: A comprehensive effort to analyze sentiment related to colleges on Twitter. Contact: +91-9008001602 080-40969981 |
For IEEE paper and full ABSTRACT
+91 9008001602
Technofist provides latest IEEE 2018 — 2019 Data mining Projects for final year engineering students in Bangalore, India. Data mining based Projects with latest concepts are available for final year ECE / EEE / CSE / ISE / Telecom students, along with innovative project ideas and documentation support.
The Data Mining process is commonly defined with the stages:
- Selection
- Pre-processing
- Transformation
- Data mining
- Interpretation/evaluation
Technics Used for Data Mining
- Anomaly detection: Identification of unusual data records that might be interesting or data errors that require further investigation.
- Association rule learning: Searches for relationships between variables and is often used in market basket analysis.
- Clustering: The task of discovering groups and structures in data that are similar without using known structures.
- Classification: The task of generalizing known structures to apply to new data.
- Regression: Attempts to find a function which models the data with minimal error.
- Summarization: Providing a compact representation of the dataset, including visualization and report generation.
Data Mining Operations
- Link Analysis: Links between individuals rather than characterizing wholes.
- Predictive Modelling: Use observations to learn to predict outcomes.
- Database Segmentation: Partition data into similar groups.