How To Write Academic Projects In Resume?

The project section, although not a necessary part on a resume, can be very helpful sometimes. For freelancers, designers, software engineers, students, freshers, or anyone who wants to increase employability, providing additional information and descriptions about projects, whether they are work-related or academic ones on the resume is beneficial. With details of your previous or on-going projects on the resume, you can easily showcase your skills and abilities.

Why to list projects in a resume or CV:

  • Listing projects in a resume or a CV helps a hiring manager to determine whether your capabilities and style fit their company.

  • Personal projects in a resume or CV are also a major way to demonstrate your enthusiasm.

  • Projects in a resume compensate for candidates with lack of work experience, such as students or fresh graduates.

  • Career changers who have powerful projects in their resume are valued since they have knowledge and skills from multiple aspects or industry.

Types of Projects to List in a Resume

  1. Work Projects
    Projects you have participated in from your previous workplace are ideal, since they showcase your ability to communicate with real clients, meet real problems and needs, and achieve KPI goals.

  2. Personal Projects
    Personal projects that you’ve initiated proves your passion for the work in the resume. In addition, personal projects in a resume present your growing ability and skills. The topic you choose to work on also shows your traits that could be wanting in the hiring manager’s organization.

  3. Academic Projects
    Academic projects accomplished at school in a resume show your competency. Technical skills or soft skills such as teamwork and leadership are valuable talents to gain with each experience. Including academic coursework projects in your resume is especially ideal for students.

When a project-focused resume demonstrates skills

When a project-focused resume demonstrates skills better than other layouts, replace the work experience with a project section and highlight key points.

  1. Provide project detail and quantified descriptions in the resume.
  2. Be concise with the descriptions.
  3. Be consistent with the format of the projects list.
  4. Use descriptive language and incorporate resume action verbs.
  5. Include the link to online portfolio.

Methods for adding projects to your resume

  • List your projects in separate bullet points or short paragraphs beneath each work experience and education entry.
  • List your projects in a dedicated section on your resume.


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